Thursday, August 11, 2005

Battlestar Gallactica

I'm sure that much has been already made of the retelling of the Battlestar Gallatica tale, but hey, I'd really love to add my voice to the chorus.

The new storyline brings a much more robust character development to the sci-fi world born in the 70s. So, let's get a few things out of the way. Yup, Starbuck is now a woman. It's a fun modern way to approach the character, and I'm definitely a fan. The new Starbuck is a stogie-smokin' ball of fun that flys her way to stardom, yet only lacks the sexual vibrato of the previous incarnation. Her character is racked with the guilt of a former lover's death and the drama helps to round out the character interaction.

My favorite addition is the inclusion of cylons who are indistinguishable from their human counterparts. Yup, there are still our old favorite "toaster" models complete with the searching red eye. These new toasters definitely have a much stronger kick with articulated fingers that can slice through opponents with the swipe of a hand. Mmmm, I like toast.

With the addtion of a stronger contemplative religious aspect to both the cylons and humans, it makes for a fun argument between the nature of how we define the difference between what is human and what is machine.

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