Very soon, the web shall bid a fond adieu to one of my favorite places to waste time, Houseplant Picture Studio. A veritable bounty of found art, this site collects images found at flea markets, thrift stores, and basements across the country. I was hit with a strong wave of nostalgia recently when they posted a whole series of photographs from Dayton in the 70s. I don't normally get nostalgic, but the hairstyles, facial hair and general body shapes of people took me back. If you were to take the same photos today, you'd have shorter hair, no mustaches and much much fatter people.
Houseplant Pictures is a joke. Superlame.
Oh, now you should just not take yourself so seriously. The detritus that modern society leaves behind can be quite fun. Why do you think that people enjoy sifting through flea markets, antique stores, and second hand shops. You get to see what society was like not too long ago, and occassionally find a gem or two.
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