Wednesday, March 09, 2005

This blog killed the video star

OK, so what's the deal with music videos these days? Where have all the videos gone? MTV is now a mishmash of reality TV crap, and VH1 likes what happens behind the music more than the music itself. I like the trend of packaging a bonus DVD that many music labels are using to spur sales of CDs. It is a great way to see videos that otherwise wouldn't see the light of day, other than a grainy over-compressed .RM file over the net.

My most recent purchase was Enon's newest release, which came with a bonus DVD. The DVD has a number of interesting videos, as well as ton of junk that I'm sure most people will just skip over. (Who wants to see the band beat each other up in a hotel room, or crawl around on the floor with a shoe in their mouth?) The videos were quite fun though. Videos were to the 80s what album covers were to the 70s, and I suppose the web site would be the comparable 90-00s item.

I must say that it is refreshing that the full-length music/movie still exists. Take Daft Punk's Interstella 5555 as a recent example. Rock on!

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